Animation for Youth & Youth Ministers

Personality Development

Self-Awareness, Self-Esteem, Motivation, Johari Window, Transactional Analysis, Hierarchy of Needs, Self-Actualization

Study Techniques & Time Management

Effective Study Methodology, Planning & Preparing for Study, Goal Setting, Time Management & Memory Training

Education to Love and Sexuality

Understanding Relationships, Love, Friendships, Developmental Psychology, Sexuality, Sex-Related Problems

Leadership Training

Models & Style of Leadership, Leadership Skills: Problem-Solving, Decision Making, Conflict Management, Planning, Organizing, Time Management & Faith Leadership

Media Education

The Language of Signs and Symbols, Mass Communication, The Power of Mass Media, Advertising, Television, Movies, Newspapers, Magazines, Media & Society, The Internet, The Language of the Digital Era

Career Guidance

Self-Discovery, Motivation, Vocational Discernment, Soft Skills Training, Good Manners, Interviews, Public Speaking, Career Planning and Career Options, Aptitude Tests

Group Dynamics

Self-Disclosure, Sharing, Group Process, Group Experience, Group Management, Group Building Skills, Leadership Skills, Friendships & Social Relationships

Value Education

The Good Value System, Priority of Values, Identification of Values, Value Clarification, Social Values, Poverty, Hunger & Exploitation

Film Appreciation

The History of Cinema, Understanding the Aspects of Cinema, Ideology in Cinema, Character in Cinema, Malayalam Cinema, Other Language Cinema, World Cinema

Heal the World

On Justice & Peace, Hunger, Have & Have Nots, Teen Suicide, Globalization, Women Equality, Human Right

Spoken English

Basics of English Grammar, Phonetics, Reading, Writing, Listening, Spoken English, Elocution, Public Speaking

Indian Social Problems

Honest Citizens, Poverty, Unemployment, Corruption, Cast System, Urbanization, Social Issues, Communalism