Our Mission

To help adolescents, the youth and those who work with the youth to have a professional updation by clarifying their vision and ideals, healing inner wounds and blocks and by finding new strength and meaning for their onward journey.

We do this the Don Bosco way, in a cheerful and loving setting, with optimism, joy and a deep trust in God’s goodness, packed with activities and aided by the most modern means of communication.

We reach out to schools, colleges, parishes, youth groups, seminaries, formation houses and to every youth and those who wish to work with the young; both in our centres and in your own institutions for retreats, seminars, camps, classes and training programmes.


Better Self, Better World


The Don Bosco Way


Through Retreats, Camps & more


  1. To be an agent of social transformation through education and training, especially of youth and children.
  2. To set up institutional and non-institutional services for the development of youth and children.
  3. To organize and offer various training programmes and professional courses in human development in physical, recreational, social, psychological, educational, moral and cultural sectors for multiple durations.
  4. To organize national and international workshops and conventions.
  5. To hold, arrange and organize meetings, lectures, talks, discussions, study circles, seminars, symposiums, conferences, competitions, research and study visits, exhibitions, debates, audiovisual programmes and other training programmes on topics related to the empowerment of youth and children.
  6. To organize programmes for promoting national integration, peace and harmony, cultural advancement etc.
  7. To facilitate training in sports, music, theatre, art and aesthetics.
  8. To further ecological sensitivity, environment protection and agricultural development.
  9. To organize groups and movements, especially of youth and children, in order to facilitate their development as mature individuals and responsible citizens.
  10. To organize developmental programmes for gender equality and women empowerment.
  11. To start, establish, equip and run youth centres, schools and institutes of higher education and training of youth, and to promote the development of socio- economic projects and activities for the benefit of general public with particular focus on the socially and economically marginalized people in India.
  12. To offer, organize and facilitate psychological services, career guidance and vocational training in institutional and non-institutional settings.
  13. To produce, publish, circulate and distribute literature, audio-visual aids in electronic media etc.
  14. To promote holistic health and hygiene by awareness programmes, medical camps and training in alternate healing techniques etc.
  15. To collaborate and network with various government agencies, NGOs and research centres for joint advocacy to better impact the lives of the marginalized people, youth and children in difficult situations; for promoting laws and their implementation in consonance with the rights of the marginalized people and the youth.